
    WARNING: This product is for research use only, not for human or veterinary use.

MedKoo CAT#: 561553

CAS#: 58821-95-7

Description: Tinyatoxin is a neurotoxin that acts through the vanilloid receptors of sensory nerves.

Chemical Structure

CAS# 58821-95-7

Theoretical Analysis

MedKoo Cat#: 561553
Name: Tinyatoxin
CAS#: 58821-95-7
Chemical Formula: C35H28N4O5
Exact Mass: 584.21
Molecular Weight: 584.630
Elemental Analysis: C, 71.91; H, 4.83; N, 9.58; O, 13.68

Price and Availability

This product is not in stock, which may be available by custom synthesis. For cost-effective reason, minimum order is 1g (price is usually high, lead time is 2~3 months, depending on the technical challenge). Quote less than 1g will not be provided. To request quote, please email to sales @medkoo.com or click below button.
Note: Price will be listed if it is available in the future.

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Synonym: Tinyatoxin; TTX; TTN; TNX;

IUPAC/Chemical Name: (2-benzyl-6a-hydroxy-8,10-dimethyl-7-oxo-11a-(prop-1-en-2-yl)-3a,3b,6,6a,9a,10,11,11a-octahydro-7H-2,9b-epoxyazuleno[5',4':3,4]benzo[1,2-d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)methyl 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetate


InChi Code: InChI=1S/C36H38O8/c1-21(2)34-17-23(4)36-28(32(34)42-35(43-34,44-36)19-25-8-6-5-7-9-25)15-26(18-33(40)29(36)14-22(3)31(33)39)20-41-30(38)16-24-10-12-27(37)13-11-24/h5-15,23,28-29,32,37,40H,1,16-20H2,2-4H3

SMILES Code: C=C(C)C(C1O2)(CC(C)C3(O4)C1C=C(COC(CC5=CC=C(O)C=C5)=O)CC6(O)C3C=C(C)C6=O)OC24CC7=CC=CC=C7

Appearance: Solid powder

Purity: >98% (or refer to the Certificate of Analysis)

Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical. This product is stable enough for a few weeks during ordinary shipping and time spent in Customs.

Storage Condition: Dry, dark and at 0 - 4 C for short term (days to weeks) or -20 C for long term (months to years).

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO

Shelf Life: >2 years if stored properly

Drug Formulation: This drug may be formulated in DMSO

Stock Solution Storage: 0 - 4 C for short term (days to weeks), or -20 C for long term (months).

HS Tariff Code: 2934.99.9001

More Info:

Biological target:
In vitro activity:
In vivo activity:

Preparing Stock Solutions

The following data is based on the product molecular weight 584.63 Batch specific molecular weights may vary from batch to batch due to the degree of hydration, which will affect the solvent volumes required to prepare stock solutions.

Recalculate based on batch purity %
Concentration / Solvent Volume / Mass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
1 mM 1.15 mL 5.76 mL 11.51 mL
5 mM 0.23 mL 1.15 mL 2.3 mL
10 mM 0.12 mL 0.58 mL 1.15 mL
50 mM 0.02 mL 0.12 mL 0.23 mL
Formulation protocol:
In vitro protocol:
In vivo protocol:

Molarity Calculator

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*When preparing stock solutions always use the batch-specific molecular weight of the product found on the vial label and SDS / CoA (available online).

Reconstitution Calculator

The reconstitution calculator allows you to quickly calculate the volume of a reagent to reconstitute your vial. Simply enter the mass of reagent and the target concentration and the calculator will determine the rest.


Dilution Calculator

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